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Rural Health Information Hub


State Office of Rural Health

Kansas Office of Primary Care & Rural Health


Serves as the State Office of Rural Health (SORH) for Kansas and aids rural and medically underserved communities in the state. Helps build sustainable access to quality, patient-centered primary healthcare services. Focuses on supporting the primary care and rural health workforce, connecting local providers and partners to resources and programs, and strengthening system-wide performance improvement capacity.
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Kansas Nonmetro Population

Estimated population
871,535 (29.7%)
People living in nonmetro areas

Kansas Rural Healthcare Facilities

Critical Access Hospitals
Rural Health Clinics
Federally Qualified Health Centers*
Short Term/PPS Hospitals*
*Sites according to (January 2024), showing only locations outside of U.S Census Bureau Urban Areas with a population of 50,000 or more

Selected Social Determinants of Health for Rural Kansas

8.7% of Kansas residents lack health insurance (Kaiser, 2022). According to the USDA Economic Research Service, the average per capita income for Kansans in 2021 was $58,924, with the rural per capita income at $51,545. The ERS reports, based on 2021 ACS data, that the poverty rate in rural Kansas is 13.0%, compared with 11.1% in urban areas of the state. 10.4% of the rural population has not completed high school, while 7.5% of the urban population lacks a high school diploma according to 2017-2021 ACS data reported by ERS. The unemployment rate in rural Kansas is at 2.5%, and in urban Kansas it is at 2.7% (USDA-ERS, 2022).

For a national comparison, please see an overview of the United States.

Data Sources
Kaiser Family Foundation State Health Facts; USDA Economic Research Service: State Fact Sheets


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Last Reviewed: 9/18/2023